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It is the responsibility of the Trustees to ensure that the Rothes Way path is kept in good condition so that everyone can continue to enjoy the beautiful natural environment through which it passes. 

A team of around 10 volunteers have already offered their services to carry out regular maintenance work, which includes tasks such as strimming the verges, cutting back overhanging branches and vegetation as well as checking on the condition of the path. We would like to thank them for all of their 
hardwork in maintaining our path. 
Here is our team in action!

We have been successful in obtaining funding from Paths for All and have purchased various hand and power tools which our maintenance team have put to good use. 

As the build of path progresses we rely on help from the community, as the maintenance work increases and we are always delighted to have new members join our team. We meet the first Sunday of every month at the Haugh of Rothes. 


Different levels of skill are welcome and safety procedures will be in place and protective clothing and equipment will be provided. 

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If you are interested in becoming a member and helping our community project please click on the document icon to download and fill out the form and send it to us throughout social media or email it to us at Thank you for your continued support. 

Help us maintain the Rothes Way!
Click the arrow to view our fundraising page

© 2020 by The Rothes Way. Proudly created with

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